“Being a woman is hard work. Not without joy and even ecstasy, but still relentless, unending handwork. To become and remain a woman commands the existence and employment of genius.
The woman who survives and be happy must be at once tender and tough.
She must convince herself or be in the process of convincing herself, that she, her values, and her choices are important. In a time and world where males hold sway and control, the pressure upon woman to yield to their rights - of - way is tremendous. And it is under those very circumstances that the woman’s toughness must be in evidence.
She will need to prize her tenderness and be able to display it at appropriate times in order to prevent toughness from gaining total authority and to avoid becoming a mirror image of those men who value power over life, and control over love.
Women should be tough, tender, laugh as much as possible and live long lives.
The struggle for equality continues unabated, and the woman warrior who is armed with wit and courage will be among the first to celebrate victory.”
-Maya Angelou
Forty two years of being “In all ways a woman..”
Thank you God for all the blessings…
Happy birthday to me…!!
My birthday wish – I wish that the days ahead filled with
Order.. quietness.. simplicity… elegance…dignity.. calmness…, sharing… good cheer… refinement…prayer.. forgiveness.. beautiful sunsets.. starry nights… bible.. night breeze.. nature walks,. lots of sleep.. pure water to drink lavishly… music… flowers.. books lots of them....sprouts.. Soyabeans..fruit…, nuts( supposed to be good for me)… … oil baths…greenery.. laughter..
And my sweethearts besides me to share all these things with…
Appppy Birthday & Welcome Back Doc!!!...Pardy? Eppol?evvideya?
PS: U deleted the post with my comment!! *:((*
dank u..!!
ooohh..! karayahthe.. sorry only we two know the reason isnt it..?
me a doc in ur techworld na..? nee khsami..
harthal here today..
but only till 6pm..
*fusion restaurant.. kovalam beach.. 8pm.. all r invited..!!*
Happy B'day Doc...
Happy Birthday and may all your dreams and wishes come true.
Happy birthday..may you live a life without regrets"
Happy Birthday Dear Doc. May you have all that you wish for and more than what God can squeeze out of his goodness bag! :)
Happy birthday to someone special :_))
nJoy your day… have a blast at kovalam…
I wud have gatecrashed if I was in Tvm :_D
Happy Birthday Doc... Enjoy !! :-)
Haaaaappy Birthdayyyy!!! :-)
Happy Birthday :)
wish u joy and all that u wished for ..
long time since i attended a bdday party .. wish i was there..
Hi Doc,
Happy belated birthday! May the winds be always favourable beneath your wings!
take care...
oh happy bday doc!!!!
May MAY 10 Make you Merry.
i know this doesn mke any sense but i badly wanted to rhyme...
oh man!!! i missed that treat!!! i was in town!!! how sad!!!!
Happy (belated) Birthday, dear angel!
belated wishes doc...
txs everybody.. so swt of u all...
Ohhh.........am so late.........Belated happy Birthday Doc!!!
Santosha Janmadinam Docinu! Santosha Janmadinam Docinu!
(No belated - No translations - This sounds better :)).
happy belated birthday chechi...ee annymous uthiri durenna...uthiri uthiri....eppozhum nan orkunna ee chechikku ayiram ayiram varsham jeevikkan nan prarthikunnu....bye take care....now a days i am very busy chechi...
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