Dark dull clouds filled the sky..
I looked around with pleasure…
The road along the side of the canal stretched ahead. There was not a single soul in sight.. only the soft soft rain.. and the wet chilly breeze..
The moist earth was totally drenched.
I watched the slow unhurried drops slanting into the burgeoning canal... millions of tiny ripples danced in the waters..
The coconuts palms glistened as they swayed gently in the wet breeze.
A few bird sat brooding on the electric wires. Not bothering to sing...
The leaves and the flowers drooped… overburdened with the last night’s rain..
I shivered with pleasure as the rain drops fell like pins and needles on my skin... ....the chilly breeze stung m y cold cheeks
My dress was getting damp.. My shoes slowly soaking...
The soft sound of the drizzle had awakened me from sleep early morning....I had rushed out..
I love to walk in the drizzle..
I took in a deep breath as I walked briskly.
Four short inspirations... then four short expirations...the fresh cold crisp morning air was literally cleansing my system. I matched the rhythm of my steps with my breaths
She was walking towards me fast , her bare feet faston the sodden ground.. She wore a graying polyester skirt that reached mid calf...a dull brown blouse hung loosely over the dark skinny body... A thin cloth possibly torn off from a sari was wrapped around her head and shoulders...
I smiled at her warmly but she didn’t notice me as she walked past across me.. crouching under the thin cloth.. her frown deepening.. her body cringing with discomfort as each drop fell on her face...
I looked back to see her walking hurriedly..
Unmindful of the dark murky beauty unfolded around her.
The beauty of the drooping flowers... the soft rhythm of the drizzle... the millions of ripples dancing on the water...
Yes.. she was hurrying towards the tiny shop attached to a hut that sold minor provisions..
Probably to get something for the breakfast.
Throw back that cloth , take a deep breath and smile at the clouds sweetheart..!!
I wanted to tell her.
Allow the drops to caress your cheeks. Let the chilly breeze play with your tendrils.
Close your eyes .. Pull out your tongue and taste the fresh drops...
Breathe in again...
Smile flirtly at the clouds...Cajole the birds to sing... Pat the drooping flowers playfully and watch the rain drops dance around madly.
Dance in the drizzle sweetheart.
Love the rains...She is your friend...’
Dance in the monsoons that batters your life sweetheart... That’s the best way to beat them...
Make sorrow your friend..
Yes sweetheart.. dance in the drizzle