Monday, October 04, 2010

Letter writing :)

Write letters to God .


It really helps.

How can he not reply??



Bindhu Unny said...

Good one :)

Unknown said...


but at the same time
how can he reply ?

fish's letter

dear God
hide me from
fisherman's net

fisherman's letter
dear God
hide fish's eye
from my net


hope and love said...

Surely he will reply Sony, the reply maybe 'YES' or 'NO' but if it is a 'NO' he will tell us that the 'NO' is for us own good, strenghthen us and carry us through it..
For that we have to keep writng to him.. Daily..

anupama said...

Dear Friend,
Good Evening!
May I know your name?A wonderful thought.People are busy writing letters but not to God.
Thanks a lot.I am inspired.
Wishing you a beautiful night,

PriPat said...

wow.. what a alluring thought!! its the best way 2 reciprocate ur own feelings n find d answer 4 , 1self!!

overall a charming blog!