Hope And Love’ - Blog ReviewDecember 6, 2007 — Ishq
Hope and love are not the only things, what this amazing lady ‘Anu’ from God’s own country offers to all in her blog ‘Hope and Love‘. It has all the human emotions that a lady can sustain. A doctor by profession pens down her medical encounters and peronal get-a-alongs with absolute charm and uncomparable mixture of reality and philosophy. Most of the author’s blog entries are her trysts with her patients but when it surfaces from a women who has such an ability to put life into each words it touches the inner core of your soul. There are a few blog entries which sent shivers down my spine. Though most of the blog entries are mentionable, the ones which cannot be missed are ’Pandora’s Box’ and one without a title posted on ‘Wednesday, May 30, 2007′. I am impressed the way by which simple relationships and day to today events interpreted with such soulful thinking by the author. The art of writing the personal incidences in form of a story is worth praising. Each entry has a picture corresponding to the titles of the blog entries.
The blog has a dull theme and the appearance is not upto the quality of the writing in the blog entries. The blog does not attract the the visitors until they read the blog entries. The navigation of the blog is simple and similar to other ‘blogger’ themes. The blog started in February of 2005 and has more than 60 wonderful instances to read to your heart’s content. There has not been much activity on the blog recently. The last blog entry was on Nov’24 2007 when I reviewed the blog. I go ahead and give this wonderful blog a 3.5/5. I would offer a few suggestions to the author of the blog:
use a theme which compliments the content which you are writing and also improve the overall appearance of the blog.
update the ‘about me’ section or provide a link to your orkut profile, people will appreciate the blog more, the more they know about you.
Wow..dats a rave review...and quite true...u really bring life to ur words...:)
I vouch for the review. I feel the same about your space.
Anu, yours is one of the best blogs I have ever come across..straight from the heart and I think you deserve a 5/5..
congrats!!! time to change the template :-)
txs everybody.i felt so excited when i read it.ya time to change the template i suppose. but i dont know how.. and to add the link of my orkut profile.. il have to ask my boys to help me.
Congrats doc! Switch to the new blogger and then putting in links etc is very easy. Just cut and paste :)
congrats :)
@hey hope and love
Congrats on writing this beautiful journal. You are so brave and thoughtful. I would pick you to be my doctor anytime! I concur with the review...I have some great ideas for a new template for your website, if you are interested. No charge, just a fan offering his website design skills.
Congratulations of getting reviewed. Yes time to change the template and as Anu said time to switch to new blogger.
Congrats.. It indeed is a well deserved review.. Keep posting..
good one
Take Care
Am a regular reader of your Blog Dr. Anu. Have been silent all the time but think this does call for celebration. Amazing! Your anecdotes and writing style has inspired me a lot to write.
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