“A cloud does not know
Why it moves in just such a direction
And at such a speed.
But the sky knows the reasons and the pattern,
And you will know too,
When you lift yourself high enough
To see beyond the horizons.”
-Richard Bach
It is time to discover new horizons…Time to take a holistic look as to where my life is leading…
I need to learn from my past, ancient wisdom, fiction and my dreams.
My undying quest must go beyond my dreams… I must learn to dream, yet struggle not to lose touch with the reality.
I am taking a sabbatical…. I will be back…. when I am ready..
Thank you all for your comments, support and love...
richard bach's books are always inspirational. most are my fav. one of the fav which u may not have read is 'running from safety'. it is cool. by the way, did you know richard bach n leslie separated? well it was a shock to most of the readers, esp after seeing such a bond in the books they read.
anu, but you need not take a long vacation. come back n talk to us asap. ok? pretend you never mentioned a sabbatical..
Richard Back is my fav too. especially "The Bridge Across Forever". sad and shocked to hear Leslie and Richard seperated.
Anyway Doc,come back soon!Have great days!
Hmmm...a typo..read it as "Richard Bach".
wow.. pretty nice one.. have a nice time during your sabatical..
hoping and wishing that it is for the best!
does the sky really know? is anyone really in control and truly free?
Take your time, fresh up and come back. :-)
*me confused* :_(
ur sabbatical request tunrned down!
pls come back soon...
I second Geo....your application for a sabbatical is rejected!!! Come back !!Please Doc!! Let me guess..are u busy helping your Smart son revise his subjects for his Board???? Padddike Monne Paddike... :)
Miss u...{{hugs}}
That was beautiful...
But I would love to differ. It is not even the sky that knows where the cloud is going...it is the wind, which guides the cloud to its destination...help it fulfill it life, to rain and give new life. The sky is just a medium.
Just as we. The clouds are the dreams and it we who chose to live them, fulfill them and our destiny.
And sorry for barging in. Just wanted to speak my mind.
Looks like the people love you a lot...what more can a person ask for in life
awesome photo... love it to bits
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