"Today war is a very lucrativeand profitable industry; tomorrow human organs harvested from prisnors of war or fresh dead bodies 'produced' during the war might turn into an innovative market.
And then corporate mavens will be evolving corporate plans and stratergies for growth, expansion, modernisation, vertical and horizontal intergration always focusing on the need to enhance profitability.
The management institutions and consultants will conduct research studies to add value.
( moid siddiqui)
clones seem more likely victims than POWs...them being sub human. harvesting the dead is alright in my view..
yep war is an industry on its own!.. to profit on oneside and the loss onto other side.
Doc, u lost me....
From ‘SSLC’ to ‘prisoners of war’
Declared war at home? ;_)))
Poor Gautam :_)
Horrifying !!!
but trying to profit from that..trying to create more harvest.. thats where the problem is..
true.. but it going on now at this moment.. isnt it..?
baby.. its called multitasking .. something ur 'girls' r good at..
how do u think i juggle my roles as a woman.. doc.. and friend..?
and iv resolved not to interfere.. gave him a timetable to follow..prepared with his approval of course..
alexis,parna,silverine.. i agree with u..
Could not get what you were telling?
You have been tagged !!! Check out my post :)
Hmm , Well I dont think there is any ethical problem in using the organs from dead bodies but certianly not for profitability.
First it was the oil then the construction and organs too yippee!!
Thats a terrific business idea..
whats to be seen is who uses it first
possible threat, lets hope it wont happen! btw second part, nammale pole ullavarkkiitu indirectly oru thangu aano? :-)
too true...i guess war is more profitable than peace...
blame everything on the big corporates :)
wow your picture just gave me the creeps lol
Do watch the movie.. Lord of war.. its exactly what you are driving at.. I loved that damn movie.. I could identify with the character for he thinks from angle.
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