Monday, February 13, 2012

The modern fairy tale :)

The modern fairy tale ending is the reverse of the traditional one: A woman does not wait for Prince Charming to bring her happiness; she lives happily ever after only by refusing to wait for him -- or by actually rejecting him. It is those who persist in hoping for a Prince Charming who are setting themselves up for disillusionment and unhappiness. ~Susan Faludi 

 Its all about loving ourselves sweethearts ..!!

Happy Valentine's day..!!! :)


Ankita said...


u have a solid point here

thumbs up!!

Vetirmagal said...

This is a wise post on a frivolous celebrations day:-)

ashok said...

hmmm.... my best wishes ;)

Kate Kohl said...

I googled 'love' and found this. just what I needed to read, thanks.

ViralTikTok said...

This is truly a modern fairy tale, and each love is different and unique.
