The dew that melts away… The waves that crash and recede… The rainbow that fades… The night breeze that plays with my tendrils and silently sweeps away… They all murmur to me.
“Nothing is permanent.”
Nobody is mine forever. There is no ‘my’.
I must accept that I will have to let go at one time or another.
I may share tears, laughter, hope and despair. I may be loved, betrayed, admired or hated… But everything passes.
There is only me and the deep, deep silence around me.
There is only me and his grace that guides me.
So true..so very true..
very true..!
so well written! i seems u write what i feel!!
So true and so beautifully expressed. If there was an award for Ms Beautfiul Writing, I would give it to you :)
this is life and true :)
Take Care
just let it go
I just love your words...:-)
Very true...
We came alone with this and will go alone..we can only cherish the moment swe spend with others as and when they came in our lifes and have give us happiness by one or the other way..
Take care...
So true!
I remember reading somewhere ...
Change is the only constant thing in mans life!
So true.very well written.
Wisdom is shared but never will it desert you, so is your shadow.
I can relate so very much.
well written!
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