“When we look deeply into the heart of a flower, we see clouds, sunshine, minerals, time, the earth and everything in the cosmos in it. Without clouds there could be no rain, and without rain there would be no flowers..”
- [Thich Nhat Hanh]
Yes..! The heart of a flower.. One of the most beautiful things in this world..
Thank you jaguu for clicking this pix for me... Meeting you on that clouded afternoon was a lovely experience..
Ps. He is exactly as I had imagined him to be
Well built.. and Rugged in a Tee-shirt the color of this flower..
Gentle brown eyes..
Sweet.. Sensitive.. Soft-spoken .. Unassuming..
Exactly the kind of young man I would love my boys to grow up to be..
This has to be the most endearing thing someone has ever said or written about me. Thank You & Mr.Hope & Love for making me feel at ease and for the lovely lunch at a lovely place :).I am so sure that your Boys would grow up to be real source of Pride for you both as they are from such awesome Genetic pool :). May be I should print & frame this post and take it with me when I go for my next Pennukanal..What say doc? ;)
does that stand good for all ur blog buddies? :D
(tears filling eyes, voice breaking...)
I thought you wanted your boys to grow up and end up like me!!!! whats wrong with me? Am i not good enough to be their ROLE MODEL.
gheeee..... :((
no need for all that.. just be ur sweet self.. if she is smart enough , she will snatch you..
alexis, hmmm ya thats my ultimate compliment.. that i wish that my boys grow up to be like them..
welcome to blogworld..! hmmm .. what do i see when i ee a human heart..? i see dreams.. hope and love..
only for my favs..
first grow up sweetheart..then we will discuss this
now dry up ur eyes and be a good boy..!! hope ur recent adventures ended well..
Would love to meet you one fine day if i ever get chance in my life at any stage of this life.
hmmm.. lets hope for the best..
really nice one...... :)
the pic is so nice..... :)
hmmm.. ya.. and txs
one lovely post by one lovely person about another lovely person :)
i just love the heart of any flower..see my sunflower..its all hearts.. :)
nice pic!
bittus mama,
ya ur sunflower is adorable..
He sure is a nice guy. I could feel it eventhough I couldn't meet him yet, but talked to him for sometime.
Envy you guys could meet up. :-)
Its a wonderful news! It really feels good to meet inspirational and nice friends we meet in this world. I met a king sometime back, and I have never felt so good.
Great gesture, doc! Jaguu...you lucky lucky!
Maybe all of our blog gang in kerala can arrange a meet!
Noway, he's horrible :P :P
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