I have seen it happen in many blogs.. Now it has happened in mine too..
Anonymous posting insulting comments..
"this one reveals the several faces of the self proclaimed angel Dr….. … …..(my name) In blog, you could fool others, not always in real life. Those who know you.......... knows the real …….(my name)"
Frankly …sincerely… I am unable to recognize the anon.
I have received a few anonymous letters in my professional life too.. Insulting and threatening ones..
I know how I should deal with them.. Throw it into the dustbin and forget about it.. I do the first thing but often the words haunt and disturb me.. For a few days..
I wonder who the anon is.. And why she /he hate me..
I am a person who lives by my own rules.. I do what I feel is right..
I can be very bitchy.. if i feel that the situation demands it..
I am not here to “fool” anyone about my virtues..
This blog is only an expression of the goodness I would like to cultivate and share with others..
I blog only for positive emotions.. Cos I feel that we all need positive emotions in our lives..
“Angel” “hope” and “love” were chosen with these thoughts in mind..
There may be lots of negativity in our lives but I don’t think anyone would be interested to read about it.. Anyone would benefit from it..
I don’t come here to fight.. Or insult..
I come to love and share beautiful emotions
I don’t know if my posts sound too self-righteous and goody goody… If I come across as a self proclaimed angel..
The previous post was actually a note to me.. I posted it cos I felt that it may inspire someone somewhere..
I have deleted the comment and enabled comment moderation..
Cos I don’t want any negative emotions in this space..
But I would like to clarify something..
No I am not an angel..
I am just an ordinary woman.. Ploughing ahead.. Pushing ahead..
But I would love to be an angel.. Even if it is only for one second..
It is my dream…
May be the Anon is Satan's Child and thats why he has a problem with U Doc ;)...
By the way where is your Magic Wand?? When it comes back from repair lets turn this Anon in to a Rodent.. OK?? Atleast then he/she will know u are not Angel always ;)
May be the Anon is Satan's Child and thats why he has a problem with U Doc ;)...
By the way where is your Magic Wand?? When it comes back from repair lets turn this Anon in to a Rodent.. OK?? Atleast then he/she will know u are not Angel always ;)
You said it doc!! I have always enjoyed reading your posts and look forward to reading more of them. There will always be people around, trying to pull you down, but just ignore those people, and as long as you enjoy completely what you are doing, nothing like it.
oh..thats sad..never had trouble with anonymous postings..am not inviting either.. ;)
cheer up..all the world is not that bad!!
you just waht you are!.. people always have their own view their own way of validating something from true to false and blame or abuse!.. dont care for them!..
Even Mother Teresa had her detractors and she was a real angel if I may say so. So why bother? Spread your beautiful emotions- you sound so spiritual.
You are what you are doc. No need to worry about what others say and no need change for them. People are different, so will be their analysis on a person.
Dont worry. Go Ahead and Have great blogging
you are an angel.. to your patients.. You bring hope to those who needs it..
You are an angel..to your sons. you are there just when they need you, even those embarassing moments of zipper stunts!
you are an angel..to your spouse, you are there as his partner, in good times and in bad times
you are an angel...to me, because I see myself in you.. when I read your posts, I am home, especially ur posts abt your work..
and lastly.. ayiram kudathinte vay moodam..uru manushyante vay moodan pattoolla.. so smile.. life is worth blogging!
Thats SICK!
Er, why would anyone have these issues with you... you seem like such a nice doc :)
love and hugs
Good for you. I know it is difficult, but just ignore these people doc...some people can't bear to see others happy because they themselves are so unhappy!
I second Jaggu, mebe we should lock him in a room and play Himesh Reshamiyya music non stop ( heard guys dont like him) but if it is a gal then we should lock her in a room painted with MS Word colors :p
Great post!
this is something i dread too...these cowards dont realize that to able to write and to give expression to your feelings is a very special talent. you are a doctor and i am certain have come across many unsavoury characters like these in real life...i can guess how disappointed u must have felt to see a comment like that...just ignore them and keep blogging.
I understand these anonymous comments can be very disturbing but the best way to handle them is to ignore them!
excellent doc... u have said what all had to be said...
my question to the anonymous commentor is this
"show me one, just one person in this big bad world, who is not evil? and who defines evil? What is evil to you probably is not evil to us.. which is why we come here and read Doc's post... and we are least concerned if she is a vampire or an angel, cos such categories are for the lesser mortals bloke...
lets have some nice time on the net, and if u are so concerned abt the image she is creating here, you have a choice buddy, which is to stay out of this space. You have all the support in the world to do that. Do u see that wooden thing on your right? That is your door. Leave now an please make it a point not to come back... :)) Give us vampires and devils some space to live. Please. "
I have been a regular on ur blog too, for quite some time now, and have always enjoyed going through ur posts that have spanned across diverse realms of experience ranging from wonderfully penned travelogues to highly personal expressions of emotions held close to ur heart. As has been already expressed by ur wonderful readers who have commented before me, we enjoy reading what u write and I guess u wud be doing us a gross injustice by letting urself being bogged down by setbacks as these.
Am reminded of Frost and his wonderful lines, that should hopefully serve a purpose here.
'In three words I can sum up everything that I have learned about life - It goes on.'
txs my dear sweethearts..for the love and support you all have showered me with..
my eyes are moist..
i feel so blessed..
I think the Anon person is a coward. because he cannot write his/her name he/she wants to hide behind an anon. You just go ahead and do what you love best dr and dont worry about supid people like that. I think They just go around and post negetive comments because they are insecure about themselves.
A big HUG....First of all the number of positive messeges that you have received by now have outnumbered that one silly, caustic messege. You don't have to prove anything to anyone, just steer ahead with 'hope and love'...your friends will be with you...come what may...We all love you for what you are and don't need anyone's sermon...
Finally, illusion will wrap it up in her filmy way....
"kuch toh log kahenge,
logon ka kaam hai kehna..."
What a loser this anon is! Also proves that you have indeed arrived as a blogger :) But do remember for every nasty comment you have a hundred well wishing ones. So not to worry at all and keep posting. Love reading all that you write.
Anonymous mail..Hmm.. I've had my share of that to the highest extremes..The problem comes when we really identify who that was..I've tried, but havnt been able to come into good terms with some such anonymous mailers.
Good post Doc!Just don't care for them. We love you and we don't need anyone's comment to know you.
Got here from...somewhere :-)
It's ufortunate but, sometimes, people say rude things and there isn't much one can do. I guess it's best to ignore such comments.
Perfect answer. :-)
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