The most important person in my life is ‘Me.’
My best companion…..
‘Me’ has to be satisfied.
I should listen to what ‘Me’ has to tell me.
I need silence, solitude and guts for that.
Then ‘Me’ will show me the path I should choose.
And then I should take the responsibility of my decisions.
Sooooo True...Each one of us is responsible for everything we do...we sometimes just shy away from it and look for excuses...
All our lives we are brought up to think of others and how our actions could affect others. I still do and make sure my actions do not sadden my near and dear. But at the same time I think its also important to take time for self, to make sure I am happy. Coz if I am feeling good about myself, it will surely reflect on my behaviour to others as well. Reading your post reminds me of how important happiness of self is without appearing to be selfish.
'Me' is very important to me too :)
Lemme introduce three other friends of mine to you - I,Myself and Me.:-) have a good day!
'i' seems real
so do i believe
everything we do
its for furthering
cause of 'i'
hmm...meee meee and only meee
oops..! im relieved ..! i was reluctant to post this.. i had wondered if id be battered for being too egoistical..
but recently i discovered that i do have my ego.. i shouldnt ignore it.. and that its the real 'me'.
correction...its not the "most" important person, say the "only" important person... let us only care abt ourselves... be as materialistic and selfish as you can be and u will find peace.. :))
so so very true...'Me'...Our inner self...we often rely so much on others ,get distracted by others opinions which r imposed on us....and in the bargain we neglect what our inner self wants from us..
yes its so true that by spending a little time with ourselves in solitude,we can make major decisions for ourslve,relax our souls ...and just feel comfortable.
it's not ego at all.We all need to learn to take of ourselves first in order to be able to take care of others.Your right on the spot.Loved the post.Really good
thank god "me" was yourself.
Thats so true.. self realising.?.. or trying to come out of some forced inputs?
No love greater than self-love..Afterall in the end it's we all are alone..I like ur approach towards describin ur blog and openess to reachin out to ppl gladly.
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