The road was damp and chilly from the last night's rain. Oil spilled over the dirty puddles.
She lay there... her soft tender body bruised and crushed under hundreds of callous feet… Her radiance sweeping out.. Her fragrance long gone..
Her dreams were shattered...
Once upon a time there had been millions of dreams. As she had peeped out shyly from beneath her lashes. A pure innocent rosebud.
Dreams as sweet as the fragrance she treasured deep within her..
Lavished by the soft moonlight.. Drenched by the morning dew.. Caressed by the soft breeze..
The warm Sun had made promises .. As he cajoled her to unfurl into the most perfect Red Rose.
Her loveliness and fragrance would spread all around. Inspiring lovers.. Poets.. Ordinary folks..
She would be adored.. admired.. Cherished..
Her lover would come to her enticed by her loveliness Her softness and fragrance would be his agony as he drowned in her nectar.. Dissolved in her love..
He would murmur her name softly in her ears as he surrendered wholly..
Again and again..
But she had been cheated out of her dreams.. Betrayed.. Sold out for a few petty pennies..
She lay there.. Beyond caring.. Beyond the loneliness that seeped though her. Beyond the pain.. Her insides ripped out..
The huge tyre were more than she could bear… I watched numbly as she dissapeared without leaving even a trace of the loveliness and fragrance behind.
so flitting that one moment of glory...
What has a Rose got to do with this big bad world of Guns?
hey doc! Is the rose somebody you know..?
:)) hope she will.
no silverine.. she didnt even have that one moment.. only dreams..
true geo..but it was not her choice.. sad isnt it..?
yes anon.. maybe its partly me even..
I always thought blogdome was forte of techies, students and software qhiz kids! Now I know I was wrong! A doc by profession and a prolific writer at heart, you just turned my hypothesis down pal! :) And I am glad you did!
Nice blog you have here. You can certainly expect more of me in thsi space. Do keep writing... you write well. :)
a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose...
perhaps the tyre's now become fragrant..
hope she found the peace.
Fun_Da_Mental.. txs a lot..
so swt of you.
Poison.. ya maybe ..but it will never be appreciated by anybody..
shaima.. ya maybe..:))
Wow....awesome man...
Nicely scripted...
Keep it coming....
I'm moved.. both by the plight of the rose and your writing..
tsx prakash and leon..
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