Yesterday I met a cardiologist. A woman of about 33yrs. Smart, pucca professional.. Authoritative.. I felt envious of her..
I am also a doc. But I couldn’t make it professionally as good as her. Due to many reasons.
I am not the typical studious type of doctor. I love my hobbies and entertainments too much.. I am married to a person who loves fun and entertainment and prefers to have me besides him always. I had to bring up two active boys depending solely on maids..
I am happy.. I enjoy my work especialy the human part of it..I am paid well. I enjoy my family, my friends, my reading ,my gardening.. I get time to find pleasure in nature in her different moods..
But I couldn’t reach excellence in my profession. I could have achieved it had I given it the time and effort..
I have no regrets but when I saw this girl I couldn’t help feeling a bit envious.
I asked her about her family and she told that she was unmarried.. Must have been tied up with her studies.. Her profession..
I wonder about the paths we have both chosen. She her profession and reaching excellence and me my family and not achieving that excellence in my profession
If given one more chance would I do the same with my life.?. I ask myself..
i'll suggest a book .. if u havent still read that ..
One by Richard Bach ..
would be a good read .. if this things about your decision keeps you thinking :)
the grass is always greener aye?
surinder,txs for ur comment..no iv not read any book by richard bach.. whats the name of the book you suggest..?
ya its true.. but "two roads diverged in a wood.." by robert frost always makes my eyes wet..
hi ..
The books name is "ONE" :-)
"ONE" by Richard Bach :-) .. should read it .. :-)
hmm...you don't know what the other woman wants, do you? :)
no i dont..
i myself dont know what i want..!! thats why i wrote abt it..
But you are happy and isn't that what matters? Happy is a state of mind. Happier is a state of mind in comparison. The former is self dependent...
true poornima..but life is not so simple..
Maybe it's this way: what you do on being given the first chance is what you're best at doing and what you've always wanted...it's with a second chance that you do the one of less priority :)
Thanks a ton for comin by :) see ya around!
Life is never that simple...
Hope and Love, it is never too late to improve in your career but I must say you have the better deal because your life is filled with love and that is priceless.
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