Gautams exams have started today....
I know its so silly of me but I felt so emotional..
I went to the church for the morning mass.. ..Both Peeps and Gautam refused to come with me.. Boys and girls waited for the father to come after the mass to his room to get his blessings.. Pens... Books and Heads were offered for blessings..! I waited cos I wanted to pay for a mass to be offered... for his exams.
In the house we lit the candle and prayed before he left.. and we drove him to the school.. Peeps commented that all these would only make him tensed up..I thought Gautam would be irritated with all the fuss but I was surprised.... !He tried to hide it... but he loved the fuss..!!
Shows that my son is still a baby..
And I know that he will kill me if he happens to read this...!
Whats with Girls & Exam??? ;) I am sure Gautam would do fine after all He has a smart & Intelligent Gene Pool... :) Dont Worrrrrrrryyyyy Doc!!!
Have a doubt... who is writing this years SSLC exam? You or Gautam? =))
Too bad you stopped with just one mass and some prayers in the morning... you should have gone for some rosaries and some novenas too =))
May be Gautam is waiting for his exams to get over. Then he will probably perform a ganapathy pooja everyday morning before you go to the hospital and break a coconut in front of your car. I will ask him to add a shathru-samhaara pooja on the days you have a surgery or something.
Don't worry Doc , Your son will do well :)
I was in a confusion:) who is writing the exam?
dont worry my blessings are with your son. :)
Cho Chweet, and do you sprinkle Holy Water on him like my Mom ? ha ha ha I even had to take blessings from Dad !!! :p
Wishes and prayers for his exams...
Have a doubt... who is writing this years SSLC exam? You or Gautam? =))
Too bad you stopped with just one mass and some prayers in the morning... you should have gone for some rosaries and some novenas too =))
May be Gautam is waiting for his exams to get over. Then he will probably perform a ganapathy pooja everyday morning before you go to the hospital and break a coconut in front of your car. I will ask him to add a shathru-samhaara pooja on the days you have a surgery or something.
i hope geo dont mind plagiarism :P
all da best to gautam!
i dont :_)))
Alexis, you shouldnt bear a grudge for so long :_D
Doc, are you listening? :_)
I am one of Gautam's classmates and to tell the truth, he is the calmest person in the exam hall! I wish I could b like him when the exam comes knocking at my door!:))
Poor me. I am just another nerd in the class.:((
so sweeeeet!!!
*kisses,kisses,kisses* for such a sweet mommy!
Gautam will sure get good grades!
'MY ' son is writing the exam. who told u i stopped with one mass..? i keep saying small prayers which when repeated thousand times will grant the wish u ask..
and my mom will shoot me for blasphemy if i resort to any other prayer than that of pure catholics which the pope himself has certified.. so there is no question of poojas and homams.
alexis, i think psalm 140 will suffice..
akkosotto.. u r cute thief esp if the theft is from geo....
silverine both me and peeps blessed and kissed him..
li, protector, AF, jo txs.
but seriously let me tell u all something.. u may laugh it off but prayers do work.. that has been my experience .maybe its cos it makes me more confident i dont know.. but it works
i am all ears..! tell me more..
Hope Gautam's exams went well. When do we hear the results? :)
but seriously let me tell u all something.. u may laugh it off but prayers do work.. that has been my experience .maybe its cos it makes me more confident i dont know.. but it works
I second that.
i amlate.. have a the exams over?.... Ishould have gone well!!
mm..dats so cute...i cant imagine my mom writin a blog like dat eventho i kno these r the things she wud be doin too...:)...all d best fr u n gautam
couldnt agree with you more doc! i used to spend more time in the church during exam season than in front of the books..but rest assured, i cleared all my exams first shot! :)
doc, is there seperate gods for men? And how can pop certify?
Afterall pop is only a man!
do u kno doc, all these prayers only show the weakness within you. This is for escapism.
ooh, dats a good idea, 4 passing the exams. offer a mass. i shal try it out next time!
Dankooo ?doc
sujith, ursjina, mind curry , ( ihate calling u that plz suggest a nick name for u)
my dearest anon.. i was joking.. abt staucnh catholics.. (my mom is one..!!! ) i think i was not able to get across the irony..
xingdo, try it next time..
and anon,
its true.. i have my weakness and prayers do make me feel stronger and confident.. why do u think i did all that for my sons exams..? i did it for me.. cos I needed it..
infact i expected my son to be irritated only . but i noticed that he was happy.. maybe its cos he too has his weaknes.
maybe he loved the attention..
i remember while i was a young girl there was an senior girl opposite to my house who wanted to be a doc. there was an old maid servent who used to keep praying loudly inthe verandha as she walked out of the house while she walked out of the house.. . i think i would have loved somebody doing that when i walked out for my entrance..
maybe its cos i am weak.. maybe its cos i would feel cared for.. maybe it was cos it would make me confident..
i dont know..
i guess this is a common scene ....i am watching this daily at home...and i pursuaded my Uncle to come with me to write my engineering entrance exam coz i used to feel that he dropping me at the exam hall is lucky for me !!!! if given a chance i will still love to do that
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