"Be quick to listen,
Slow to speak,
And slow to become angry."
-proverbs( the bible)
I love this chapter in the bible.. It is a treasure- house of ancient wisdom thats relevent in our daily lives today....but its not so simple as it appears..
I wonder if Iwill ever be able to master the one given above..
Yeh. Like the Chinese proverb that says, One moment of patience may ward off great disasters, and one moment of impatience may ruin a whole life!
And, Wowwww ~ What a FANTASTIC pic!!!!
Be quick to listen - Ok... possible
Slow to speak - can try, achievable
And slow to become angry - almost impossible :D
Back to bible? everything alrite?
I have the order ulta pulta.. quick to think, fast to get angry and slow to cool down...I guess that makes me human!!!
nothing to do with the post, but heres a snap that i came across, that seems to be an abstract version of ur avtar.
I love this one..I have this habit of opening a random page of the Bible everyday. I still get astonished at the acccuracy with which I get an answer or an instruction on something pertaining to the day.
Thats a hard one because we are often quick to speak.
Beautiful picture... and, that has
to be one of the best from Proverbs. Thanks for sharing that.
You have a great blog!
sometimes slow to speak might turn out to be pretty regretful :-< :D
"Anger" is my weak point too :(
Am in much better position in controlling it but I still have a long way to go...
I read your blog
...........................(taking time to speak)
Like every verse in Bible this verse opens a brand new window to each .
I can't get angry. Oops! I get angry but I don't usually express it.Thats a problem for me. There are situations in life where you should express anger.
good one :-)
Such a nice verse, i always try to do so practically by myself:)
Hope u doing fine there.
Yeah those ones are realy good :)
i love those advices in the book of proverbs.. ex: for parents, son, etc etc
Very nice one, doc!
Oh yeah, very difficult to follow. :-)
BTW, I will be in Trivandrum from the next week onwards. Hope to meet you and Alexis sometime.
txs everybody..hmmm.. i feel we all need to be reminded of such things..off and on.. otherwise its so easy to get involved in small issues and get angry..
it doesnt say that we shoulnt react.. just to be 'slow'.. think and react..
for me its never 'back' to bible.. im always 'with' bible..
silverine, me too..
sarah, but i suppose we have to keep trying..
johnny, monu, txs for visiting my blog.. welcome..!!
jo, plz let me know ..
slow to get angry!!
That seems impossible for a short tempered person like me!
beautiful picture, and beautiful words...
yup wonderful words that keep things cool and calm.. but very hard to follow.. may be one or two we can follow but all three.. a tough job!
wish i could master it too...I am in real need for it right now!!!
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