I have been tagged bySILVERINE..
Rules of the game are...
1. The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover.
2. Need to mention the sex of the target.
3. Tag 8 victims to join this game & leave a comment on their comments saying they’ve been tagged.
4. If tagged the 2nd time, there’s no need to post again.
Sex of the target :Male.
Hmmmmm.. this is very romantic..
My perfect lover
1. Has a sexy body, stubbled jaw, dimples, long hair flopping over his forehead and partly hiding his warm brown eyes, soft buttery voice, infectious laugh and smells sexy...
2. Make me feel like a princess.
3. Loves to sit and gaze at the stars in perfect silence... take long nature walks.... watch the sunset and listen to music along with me … and does gardening and cooking along with me.
4.. Smothers me with presents like flowers, diamonds, rubies, pearls, perfumes, books, CDs, chocolates, lacy lingerie.....Whisks me away on surprise holidays to Mauritius, Himalayas, Scotland, Paris, Tokyo..etc
5.Whispers words of love in my ears as we make sweet sensual passionate love.
6. Makes me laugh often….Says ‘U r special’ and ‘I love you’ often…..Writes lovely poetry about me
7. Ease away my pains irritations, tension and bitchiness with hugs and kisses
8. Drowns and dissolves me in his love.
Thank you silverine for this license to dream...
To a married woman experienced in the power and pleasure of adjustment, acceptance, patience, forgiveness and unconditional love..
people i wish would take up this tag..
1. lash
2. parna
3. the monk
4. jagu.
5. sujith
6. rocksea
7 akkusotto
7. jo
8. soniya