I watched the tears streaming down her flushed cheeks..
‘Love you forever!’
Does that sort of love really exist? I wondered.I didnt’t know… Maybe it did..
‘Love you forever..!! You are mine.. Only mine..I want you forever whatever happens.. He told me.. ‘
'I didn’t know ‘whatever’ included his marriage too !'
She started to sob again
‘Sweetheart don’t cry.' I told her. He is not worth it.
Haven’t you heard it? ‘If he is making you cry he is not worth the tears.' I laughed at my own joke.
She continued to sob
Pl don’t cry like this. He is not worth it. I repeated driving in the point.
‘You have your whole life ahead.. Wonderful years.’
‘I cant promise that everything will be fine. Life is not that easy.’
I had taught her many things.. How to French braid her hair.. how to make a mean beef fry .. How to breathe with the wind.. Her mom’s untimely death had made my cousin, her father to put her in my care off and on.. And I loved it.. I definitely needed some female company for a change..
Having only sons. Two football crazy eating machines !!
Personaly I don’t think’ love u 4 ever’ kind of love really exist.. I mean the‘romantic couple’ walking into the sunset holding hands forever sort of love . It’s only a trap of our own romantic dreams.
I wanted to tell her that too.. But no I wouldn’t tell her that. She would have to learn it herself.
Certain things one has to learn by oneself.. Earn it .. as they say in the ads.
‘Life is a roller coaster ride my love.. Its bitchy one day, showering you with blessings the next. ‘‘Go with the flow…The more u resist life, more is your pain.’ I told her.
‘Have courage in yourself. Rejection is a great teacher.. Makes us understand that we can grapple with disappointment and then move on.’
She was listening now , rubbing her swollen eyes.
‘So your Prince charming went back to become the toad .’ I giggled..
‘So what? It has happened to many princesses and they have survived.. I smiled.
Now wash your face, I have a gift for you, its valentine’s day after all na.’
I gave her a DVD. ‘I have recorded two movies in it. Watch both today itself.’ I smiled.
‘Il cal tonight .Tell me who you want to be Clara or Annie.’
She picked up the cell at the first ring itself
'Ya I saw both..I understand..'
Her voice was hoarse. She had cried again I knew..
‘So tell me whom u want to be.’
‘Clara or Annie?
‘Clara.. For sure..' She whispered.
‘Hmmmm .. I knew that.. classy revenge.’ I giggled..
She laughed..
‘Ok sweet heart. Watch Clara.. Again and again’
Goodnight..Happy valentine’s day once more. And Remember.. It’s all about loving yourself..
I switched of the phone and walked to the mirror and smiled at myself....
The DVD had contained two movies . Stories of two diff type of women.. Clara of Padmarajans ‘Thuvanathumbikal ‘who had let go of her lover with a smile and moved on with her life and of Annie of Lenin Rajendrans ‘Chillu’ who had drowned in her misery.
I looked at myself in the mirror …admiring my dark eyes … the soft hair loose on my shoulders...
Yeah it’s all about loving yourself..
‘Happy Valentine’s Day I smiled at myself....