I don’t know what was it that woke me up.. I sat up in the bed and checked the time.
‘ I needed bit more sleep..!!!’
I snuggled back ..Tossing and turning.. Trying to relax..
But no.. I couldn’t..
Something niggled at the back of my mind.
I raised the curtain and peered out of the window. There was nothing.. Only the pre dawn darkness outside..
Oh yes..! I remembered..
It must have been the mild worry of Gautam’s trip
My son’s first trip alone...to
He would be back only at ten night..
He had already slept last night when I reached home..
Your money for the trip is on the table.. I has whispered and he had nodded sleepily without opening his eyes lest his sleep be disturbed.
The mom in me had to call him. Even though he had told me not to.
‘Yes?’ He sounded grouchy
‘Where are you?’
‘On the second platform.’
‘Has the train come?’
‘No. Announced’
‘Don’t let your bag out of your sight.’
‘Don’t talk to strangers.’
‘I’ll call in between’
‘No don’t call.’
‘Ok then sms me or miss cal me if there is anything’
‘Edaaa… wish me Happy Birthday’
‘You forgot??’
No. Happy birthday. The train is coming. Bye’
‘Hmmm. Boys..!!’
‘It is in such moments I wish I had a girl.. ‘
I couldn’t sleep again.
Self pity washed over me.
Hubby was in some happy dreamland..
I decided to get up.. Could do with some quiet time in the silent house.. Some self reflection.. Some time to pray.. A leisurely cup of tea.. I walked downstairs.. Taj was also sleeping.. grateful for one day without his morning tuition.
The light was left on in the dining room… he must have forgotten to off it in the hurry..
I walked into the kitchen.. ‘Earl gray tea today’ I told myself..
I made a pot. Set a tray with my fav linen , cup and saucer and a plate of cookies.
Yes!!! Happy birthday to me…!!!
I walked into the lighted dining hall singing ‘Happy birthday to you Anu…!!!’
I stopped in my track
On the table was a gift wrapped parcel..!
On the top of it an envelope
I took the envelope first
On it Gautam has scrawled..
“To my mother who is always an eight year old girl at heart.
You are so special , your birthday happens to be mother’s day”
I opened the envelope inside it was a card with a smiling honey bee prancing around flowers . I read.
"This sweet little honey bee is here to tell you mom that you make our home a special place to come back to always.
I opened the parcel.
Inside it was a teddy with an adoring smile and a huge pink heart with ‘MUM’ embroidered across it !!!
My eyes moistened.. I dialed his no: .. No he had told me not to call during his first adventure trip alone.. I texted instead.